Good evening and happy joyful Tuesday :) I hope you are enjoying your New Year so far and that you are accomplishing and in the process of accomplishing all that you are setting yourself out to do!!! How exciting!! What I have learned from the Lord is how to create a schedule!!! It's so exciting because time management is so SO key, thanks to Trevor and KJV Jesus for pushing me to do My schedule!!! I am so thankful for the people in My life right now: Adam Pierre Jr <3 Below are some prayer points that will assist you to becoming a better you and becoming wonderful at managing your time and successful habits and routines <3 1) I am so happy and thankful I am managing my time wonderfully! 2) I am so happy and thankful I have successful habits and routines! 3) I am so happy and thankful I have managing my time and have successful habits and routines! 4) I am so happy and thankful I have super successful habits and routines and have excellent time management skills! 5) I ...
10 prophetic prayer points to a successful you! 1) I am so happy and thankful I am super successful! 2) I am so happy and thankful I am super confident and super successful! 3) I am so happy and thankful I am super successful and have successful track record! 4) I am so happy and thankful I am super successful and super confident and has a super successful track record! 5) I am so happy and thankful I am super successful and has a super successful track record and super confident! 6) I am so happy and thankful I am super confident and super successful and have a successful track record! 7) I am so happy and thankful I am super tenacious and super relentless and super confident and super successful! 8) I am so happy and thankful I am super relentless and super confident and super successful and super tenacious! 9) I am so happy and thankful I am super confident and super relentless and super tenacious and super successful! 10) I am so happy and thankful I am super relentless and super t...